Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Pee Stick is Positive!

December 29th, 2012 I woke up and decided to take the last of three pregnancy tests that I hid under the sink in the bathroom.  This was only our second attempt trying, and I've already started pms-ing but was 3 days late.  I can't tell you the last time that I wasn't on the pill so I had no idea what to expect from my body.  So I figured I'd give it a try.  

I'm not sure what kind of funny joke someone was trying to make by having a women attempt to pee directly on a stick.  They suggest using the first pee of the day.  I don't know about you but when I wake up my bladder is full to capacity and shoots off in an uncontrollable fashion.  Add onto that being half awake and it's amazing that I was able to hit it at all.  After placing the cap back on I went to finish my morning routine of brushing my teeth and getting ready.  As I was about to leave the bathroom I glanced down at the stick and couldn't believe there was a plus sign.  I was so excited I grabbed it, ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed of my sleeping husband screaming 'The Pee Stick is Positive!'  After he came out of his incoherentness and realized what was going on he was ecstatic and then warned me to get the pee stick out of his face.  (I guess that's why they make the cap)

We were both on cloud nine all day and started searching the internet for all sorts of pregnancy facts.  Our baby is the size of a poppy seed right now!  We are looking forward to the next couple of and of course the first doctor's visit.  I especially can't wait to start telling people but who knows, anything can still happen and we will take it one day at a time and I will try to keep posting to record our journey.

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